Since ICSs were brought into statute this year, NHSE have been working with their partners to clarify their role within the new system and how to deliver on their objectives and purpose. Yesterday, NHSE released their operating framework, which outlines how NHSE, ICBs and NHS providers will operate in the new structures created by the 2022 Health and Care Act.

The new document describes ways of working, roles, accountabilities and responsibilities that will be allocated to improve local health and care outcomes, in a way that maximises taxpayer value for money and supports delivery of NHSE’s purpose.

The framework is underpinned by four core foundations, which summarise organisational design and decision-making processes:

  • Purpose – why we are here
  • Areas of value – how we deliver value
  • Leadership behaviours and accountabilities – how we work
  • Medium-term priorities and long-term aims – what we are working to achieve

We’ve summarised the new operating framework in a snapshot below:

Click here to read the full operating framework.